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Touch The Object.

Objefarm is

A lifestyle brand of Xivestory that creates beautiful, convenient, and long-lasting living objects with the inspiration of nature.

We think there are something in the nature which lets to feel the beautiful and never get tired of it. This is why we design to resemble nature.

It is our mission for people and nature to create sustainable products with sincerity as if we were to nurture life.

We are trying to create another worldview with a unique idea. Sustainable products are products that tell a story rather than style.

We believe that there is no bad material as long as the material is used appropriately, collected wisely and recycled. We are attempting a virtuous cycle of material use, recycling and disposal. And we test eco-friendly materials.

  • 오브제팜은 자연이 주는 영감으로 아름답고 편리며 오래 쓰임이 있는 생활 오브제를 만드는 자이브스토리의 라이프스타일 브랜드입니다.

  • 아름다움을 느끼고 또한 질리지 않는 그것이 자연에 있다고 생각합니다. 자연을 닮은 디자인을 하는 이유입니다.

  • 생명을 키워내듯 정성으로 지속 가능한 제품을 만드는 일, 이것이 사람과 자연을 위한 우리의 사명입니다.

  • 우리는 남다른 생각으로 또 다른 세계관을 만들려고 합니다. 지속 가능한 제품은 스타일 보다는 이야기가 있는 제품입니다.

  • 재료의 쓰임이 적절하며 현명하게 수거되고 재활용이 된다면 나쁜 재료는 없다고 생각합니다. 재료 알맞은 쓰임, 재활용, 폐기의 선순환을 시도하고 있습니다. 그리고 친환경 재료를 시도 합니다.

앵커 1

Vegetable Plate

It is a container that expresses petals and sepals. It can be conveniently used with freshly washed vegetables and fruits. The base is clean with water stagnant. It is also good as a lettuce plate and salad plate.

앵커 2

Animal Toothbrush Holder ANIBITE. 

Small items such as toothbrushes are specially stored with the jaw force  of carnivores. The toothbrush can be mounted horizontally or vertically for hygienic use. The hunting trophy concept conveys the message of animal protection.

앵커 3

Toothbrush Holder

It is a container that expresses petals and sepals. It can be conveniently used with freshly washed vegetables and fruits. The base is clean with water stagnant. It is also good as a lettuce plate and salad plate.

앵커 4

Snail Razor Holder

It expresses a wide snail so that the razor can be mounted. It is convenient because you can use the razor with one touch. It can block external contamination and keep the bathroom tidy.

앵커 5

Snail Air Freshener

It is a snail with a mild fragrance. It can be used in a variety of environments such as bathrooms and cars. With porous terracotta, the scent lasts for a long time and doesn't flow.

앵커 6

Calla Cutlery Container

The beauty of calla lily flowers is expressed in a spoon container. Water collects in the base, so you can use the spoon hygienically.

앵커 7

Parking Phone  Plate /
Parking Phone Plate

The beehive and bee are cutely expressed to express individuality. The number plate uses a fitting method rather than an adhesive method, so it is convenient without lifting. Modern parking number plates fit any car.

앵커 8

Leaf Soap Dish

This is a leaf soap dish that expresses summer leaves. The design is special and the soap does not soften. The bottom is applied with a silicone suction, so it is non-slip. It has been recognized to the extent that various copy products have been produced. The two-tone color that is finished by hand for each product gives satisfaction like a work of art.

앵커 9

Silicone Cutlery Case

Silicone and PP, carabiner are applied to the personal cutlery case for the first time, making it convenient to carry. Silicone can be sterilized with boiling water, so it can be used hygienically. It can be used by both children and adults and is a collaboration product with Nepa.

앵커 10

Shell Soap Dish

This is a product that solves the problem of water accumulating well when using shellfish as a soap dish. High-strength PC is not easily broken and has a brilliant transparency. A special color is created by applying pearls in a manual coloring process.

앵커 11

Cat Rice Paddle

It is a design that expresses the figure of a cat sitting calmly. It is convenient to stand up, and a pattern that does not stain rice is applied. Characterized by printing mascara on the eyes.


Objefarm refuses to be fast-living, which is easily consumed and thrown away quickly. We pursue slow-living that can be used for a long time worthwhile. It is carefully designed so that there is no wasted material and so that even if you look at it for a long time, you will be impressed. We design, manufacture and sell products that can be used conveniently as well as fun in Korea.

오브제팜은 쉽게 소비되어 빨리 버려지는 패스트리빙을 거부합니다. 가치 있게 오래 쓰는 슬로우리빙을 추구합니다. 헛되이 쓰는 재료가 없도록, 오래 보더라도 감동이 있도록 신중하게 디자인합니다. 즐거움뿐만 아니라 편리하게 사용 할 수 있는 제품들을 직접 디자인하고, 국내에서 제조하여 판매하고 있습니다.


Contact us

Bundang Technopark A B210, Pangyo-ro 697, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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